The product is suitable for a wide range of applications, including

DongguanJuliCompositeMaterialsTechnologyCo.,Ltd.(formerlyknownasDongguanJuliFiberglassProductsCo.,Ltd.),establishedin2011,isadomesticprivateenterprisespecializinginR&D,productionandsalesofcompositematerials. Accordingtocustomerneeds,wecandesignandmanufacturecarbonfibertubes,rods,plates,profiles,andspecial-shapedpartswithdifferentfunctionalcharacteristics,whichenjoysahighreputationandreputationinthesameindustry. Theproductsaresuitableforawiderangeofapplications,including:sails,yachts,sportsequipment,transportation,communications,drones,intelligentindustrialrobots,newenergyvehicles,etc. Creatingcompositematerials,guidingcompositematerials,anddevelopingtogetherwiththeindustryisthemissionandvalueofJuliCompositeMaterials.
Dongguan Juli Composite Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Dongguan Juli Fiberglass Products Co., Ltd.), established in 2011, is a domestic private enterprise specializing in R&D, production and sales of composite materials.
According to customer needs, we can design and manufacture carbon fiber tubes, rods, plates, profiles, and special-shaped parts with different functional characteristics, which enjoys a high reputation and reputation in the same industry.
The products are suitable for a wide range of applications, including: sails, yachts, sports equipment, transportation, communications, drones, intelligent industrial robots, new energy vehicles, etc.
Creating composite materials, guiding composite materials, and developing together with the industry is the mission and value of Juli Composite Materials.

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